I started to get engaged into photography about a year ago when I first had my point and shoot digital camera. I remember I would always shoot at anything or anyone that I found interesting. I had no idea that this photography hobby that I went through would be so much expensive. When I bought my first DSLR, I thought that I would be all set and would fully enjoy the photography thingy, but I was wrong.
One of my mentors when it comes to this hobby has always been persistent in telling me that Photography is a very expensive fad. Mind you, he even gave me that sermon with a serious face. But of course, since it's his first love, too, he totally understands each and every one why they keep on falling in love with this diversion.
Seems like my newly bought camera isn't enough anymore when I do photo shoots. Turns out that what I bought was just the starter gadget and a lot of future investments for sure, are on its way (external flash, larger memory stick, lenses and many more lenses). OMG, it's screwing up all of my savings! (laughs).
Now, I am starting to feel that the more I capture and take photographs, the more satisfying and addicting it becomes. And there is this feeling that I would never want to go anywhere without my camera with me. My camera has become my companion, my teacher and my stress-reliever. It's an outlet in expressing myself and my thoughts.
I also love photography... huhuhuhu i wish I had a DSLR...